12 UX / UI Designer jobs in Texas

United States jobs
UX / UI Designer jobs in Texas
Job titleCompany
UX DesignerFidelity TalentSource
Senior Product Designer - Grapevine, TXPaycom Payroll Llc
Salesforce Developer - Solution SpecialistDeloitte
Salesforce DevDeloitte
SWET-Software Engineer in TestFidelity TalentSource
Software Engineer in TestFidelity TalentSource
Senior Automation EngineerFidelity TalentSource
Senior Cloud EngineerFidelity TalentSource
Technology ArchitectCognizant
Senior Java Full Stack DeveloperCognizant
Java Full Stack DeveloperCognizant
Senior JavaScript Developer ArcGISDeloitte
You can find UX, UI Designer salaries in Texas here.

How many UX, UI Designer jobs are in Texas?

Currently, there are 12 UI-UX-Designer openings. Check also: Figma jobs, Sketch jobs - all with salary brackets.

Is the US a good place for UX, UI Designers?

The US is one of the best countries to work as a UX, UI Designer. It has a vibrant startup community, growing tech hubs and, most important: lots of interesting jobs for people who work in tech.

Which companies are hiring for UX, UI Designer jobs in Texas?

Fidelity TalentSource, Paycom Payroll Llc, Deloitte, Cognizant, among others, are currently hiring for UX, UI roles in Texas.

The company with most openings is Fidelity TalentSource as they are hiring for 5 different UX, UI Designer jobs in Texas. They are probably quite committed to find good UX, UI Designers.