2164 IT & Software Developer jobs in the US

Oracle ERP Cloud Financials QA
120,000 - 140,000 USD
Omega Solutions
900 Lafayette Street, Suite 245, Santa Clara
120,000 - 140,000 USD
· We need a QA consultant who has strong test design and testing experience, used testing tools and can do good test strategy for various requirements.
· Should know the Basics of testing ,experience with different testing - functional, integration, api and end to end.
· Should know traceability matrix to link requirements to rest cases and worked in agile environment
· 2 years Exp in cloud financials is good with earlier years' exp can be in ERP on-prem
· We need a QA consultant who has strong test design and testing experience, used testing tools and can do good test strategy for various requirements.
· Should know the Basics of testing ,experience with different testing - functional, integration, api and end to end.
· Should know traceability matrix to link requirements to rest cases and worked in agile environment
· 2 years Exp in cloud financials is good with earlier years' exp can be in ERP on-prem
· We need a QA consultant who has strong test design and testing experience, used testing tools and can do good test strategy for various requirements.
· Should know the Basics of testing ,experience with different testing - functional, integration, api and end to end.
· Should know traceability matrix to link requirements to rest cases and worked in agile environment
· 2 years Exp in cloud financials is good with earlier years' exp can be in ERP on-prem
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You can find IT Specialist salaries in the United States here.
How many IT Specialist jobs are in the United States?
Currently, there are 2164 IT openings.
Is the US a good place for IT Specialists?
The US is one of the best countries to work as a IT Specialist. It has a vibrant startup community, growing tech hubs and, most important: lots of interesting jobs for people who work in tech.
Which companies are hiring for IT Specialist jobs in the United States?
Capgemini, LGS, une Société IBM / an IBM Company, CGI, Murmuration, Canadian National Railway, Leidos, Cognizant among others, are currently hiring for IT roles in the United States.
The company with most openings is Leidos as they are hiring for 469 different IT Specialist jobs in the United States. They are probably quite committed to find good IT Specialists.
The company with most openings is Leidos as they are hiring for 469 different IT Specialist jobs in the United States. They are probably quite committed to find good IT Specialists.