2235 IT & Software Developer jobs in the US

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Leidos jobs

Mid-Level Software Engineer

81,250 - 146,875 USD
Odyssey Drive Northwest, Huntsville
81,250 - 146,875 USD
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- Must possess a Bachelor's degree or higher in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or Computer Science degree from an ABET-accredited school. - 4-8 years of experience in radar algorithm development and/or radar analysis. - Experience or be willing to lead a team of engineers in software development while overseeing tasking, code reviews, configuration management, and other team lead activities. - Excellent teamwork skills and good fundamentals in Modern C++ development, Real-time Linux and device driver development, and ZeroMQ and pub/sub frameworks.




The Engineer in this role will support advanced technology radar programs including: - Software for high-speed data acquisition, distribution, and real-time processing. - Integration of COTS and custom technologies into prototype sensor systems. - Field testing of RF sensors and systems. - Deployment of advanced sensor systems. - Development of radar signal processors, radar tracking algorithms, advanced sensors in EW environments. - Simulation of radar systems. - Field-testing of RF sensors and systems. - Deployment of advanced sensor systems.


Leidos Defense Systems is seeking a talented Radar Engineer to join a diverse team to create unique solutions for complex sensor and radar orientated problems. We have offices across the United States engaging in the defense, space, cyber, and commercial fields. We provide responsive, cost-effective engineering, scientific, and IT solutions. Candidates with additional skills in MATLAB, NVIDIA CUDA GPU development/optimization are preferred. The pay range for this job level is $81,250.00 - $146,875.00.
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You can find C / C++ Developer salaries in the United States here.

How many C / C++ Developer jobs are in the United States?

Currently, there are 2235 C++ openings.

Is the US a good place for C / C++ Developers?

The US is one of the best countries to work as a C / C++ Engineer. It has a vibrant startup community, growing tech hubs and, most important: lots of interesting jobs for people who work in tech.

Which companies are hiring for C / C++ Developer jobs in the United States?

Capgemini, Lowe's, Sun Communities, Inc., The Travelers Companies, Inc., SciTec, Vorto Operations LLC, Credit Acceptance among others, are currently hiring for C / C++ roles in the United States.

The company with most openings is Leidos as they are hiring for 436 different C / C++ Developer jobs in the United States. They are probably quite committed to find good C / C++ Developers.